Thursday, March 1, 2012

Giving Up One Sense

The five senses that make up our understanding which fit in the Sense Perception category of the Ways of Knowing are:

- Sight
- Hearing
- Touch
- Smell
- Taste

Personally, I think it would be very difficult to give up any of these sense, nonetheless, if I had no choice on the matter, I would give up Taste. Very closely related to Smell, I chose to give up taste over smell because of the power of Smell that is to bring back memories, memories that I probably don't want to lose.

Lets not go into the analysis of the consequences of living without each of the five senses and argue why the consequences are less severe when it comes to losing Taste. Simply, my choice reflects the safest or healthiest way to live lacking one of the five senses. I believe that beyond making up our live physically, our senses warn us about the dangers in our environment. Sight visually show what approaches us and could harm us. Hearing tells us what is near us that could be harmful according to the sound whatever is close by makes. Touch warns us about danger when it is very close to us, for example, when we touch a burning hot plate our Touch sense advices us to take our hand away without even thinking about it. Likewise, Smell can make us perceive whether something nearby is potentially harmful such as poisonous      mushrooms. In away, when we taste something unpleasant our Taste is telling us that something is harmful so "stop eating it", however, for the most part, the damage is already done because that harmful substance was already ingested in your body.   

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